Having good leadership in an organization is a huge asset, and it’s also a competitive edge.
Harrington Strategies knows that leadership of an organization can and should come from everyone in the organization. Good leadership helps organizations create a culture of continuous improvement. A culture that supports growth and enables people to reach their potential.
The key elements of Harrington Strategies’ GoalsBased Leadership programs include:

Harrington Strategies Levels of Leadership
Executive Leadership
For people in the C-Suite and focused on the fact that there are very few – if any – great organizations that don’t have great leadership at the top.

Next-Gen Leadership
Mid-Level leadership for today and in preparation for tomorrow.

Leadership For All
Instilling leadership at the staff level pays huge dividends for organizations.
One of the most valuable benefits of working with a good facilitator is increased buy-in from team members. That comes from them knowing they have an opportunity to weigh-in and are part of the decision-making process. Then, they take ownership of the outcome. The bottom line is that our skilled facilitators make goal-oriented meetings, training workshops or other group activity much more likely to lead to success.