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Over the years Harrington Strategies has been privileged to work with some great nonprofits to help them grow and continue to increase the help they can provide to their communities.

Human Resources. For many nonprofits, a human resources consultant can be invaluable in dealing with the three critical “clients” it serves: The people they help. The staff-members and volunteers who get the work done. And, of course, the donors who support it. It’s important that the organization can attract the best employee and volunteer candidates through recruiting, interviewing and onboarding them.  Then, comes effectively managing the relationships with employees and volunteers along with creating great culture and training to create and support high performing team members.

Board Governance. There are many reasons why it’s critical for nonprofits to have a good board of directors. Chief among them is helping the organization to always be efficient, effective and ethical. To do this, board members should be able to play significant rolls by providing guidance on strategic focus, on financial and legal issues and even day-to-day management and operations. In addition, board members can also have a substantial impact through being advocates and ambassadors for the organization and its mission.

Fundraising. When it comes to nonprofits, fundraising is not just a choice, it’s the prime directive. But the fact is, successful fundraising takes a special skill-set, experience and lots of hard work. That’s why many nonprofits turn to fundraising consultants for help. Afterall, great fund raising is what allows nonprofits to make a difference in the world! 

Grant Writing. Nonprofits often turn to grant writing consultants to help them navigate the complex world of grant writing and increase their chances of securing much needed funding. These consultants can do everything from providing advice on how to write a winning proposal to writing the proposal themselves.

Special Events. Special Events are an important part of a nonprofit’s communication strategy. Introducing new board members or leadership, spotlighting volunteers and donors or kicking-off or wrapping-up a fundraising drive all take on added importance and have a bigger impact with an event. A professional special events consultant can help make sure these events are designed and executed to maximize that impact. 

Technology. Today, of course, technology is everywhere and is used in every aspect of running any successful organization. Nonprofits are no different. They need a strong online presence – through their own website and social media as well as communicating with clients and donors. Often creating and running websites and keeping up with the latest tech can be a major challenge. That’s why many nonprofits turn to tech consultants for help in one or more of these critical areas.

Accounting. Nonprofits can be responsible for sizable sums of money. From fundraising, donations, grants, and more. To ensure everything is handled and filed correctly nonprofits often seek out accounting consultants to help manage money and cash flow. These professional services are typically called in to help organize finances and ease the worries of those running the organization and board members.

Legal. There are lots of laws and regulations that govern how nonprofits operate. There are state laws that apply in any state the organization operates in. State charity regulators also investigate complaints of fraud or abuse. On the federal level the Internal Revenue Service has requirements for eligibility for tax-exempt status. For these and many other reasons, nonprofits often rely on legal consultants.